Sorry, But Your Wedding Board Is Basic

PSA for wedding planners of the webiverse: Ya Pinterest boards? ....they’re basic.


Listen, I’m a visual person. I totally understand the inclination to create an inspiration board. But, that’s just it — these boards are meant for INSPIRATION

We live in an age where having a “Pinterest wedding” is somehow the ultimate, indulgent goal for wannabe trend-setters. Remember when Pinterest didn’t exist and wedding professionals were forced to create their own trends? Sighhh. Trust me — nary a “cutting edge” wedding was made by marrying your “vision.” It’s time to think outside that Pinterest board.

Here’s why I’m on this soapbox…

Time and time again, couples and planners spend all of their resources fixated on their vision, only to end up with a wedding that’s, well, #basic.

When you get caught up in the wrong details, you’re taking away from the couple. The moment. The love. In a word, you rob the event of its authenticity.

So what makes a wedding unique and special? I’m glad you asked: the people. ...NOT the on-trend lace sleeves that the bride can’t dance in, or the oh-so-clever (and expensive) wedding coaster favors your guests will secretly scoff at and never use.

Instead, let’s find a dress that fits the bride like a glove and makes her feel sexy as she performs the dance she has practiced for weeks, eh? And instead of paying a fortune for impersonal wedding favors, have the mother of the groom bake some of her world-famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

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Or, hey, here’s an idea... maybe don’t have favors at all! Instead, create special moments for the couple and their loved ones that they’ll cherish forever. It may sound hokey, but so are chalkboard signs. There, I said it.

So, here’s my hope for the wedding industry: one day, having a “Pinterest wedding” will no longer be a compliment or a status to strive for. Instead, we’ll all think outside the board. We’ll push for weddings that are fresh and authentic. Because if I have to see one more burlap table runner, I swear...

What’s your take on Pinterest boards, dear readers? On sticking to a “vision,” above all else?