This story, probably like yours, is one that can only be told with time.
My 2nd week as a college freshman I met the man who over a decade later would become my husband.
Tim made me laugh. Following four years at an all girls school, I was experiencing many firsts. Tim was lighthearted which I found very attractive, specifically how it seemed to rub off on me too. Dating him came so naturally.
Graduation found us heading separate ways yet remaining friends. Independently we experienced the exciting, heartbreaking and sometimes nerve wracking world of our post college twenties.
Life had taken us thousands of miles apart, yet time has a funny way of bring about the enviable and our new found relationship deepened into our late twenties. Four little words were asked and without hesitation five months later we married.
This moment was years in the making but tying the knot was a carefree as laughing together.
Erin Madden
Elopement Curator + Stylist.
P.S. Behind the scenes, each of our husbands support, cheer and carry our flats. CIL would not be what it is with out them.