Let's talk for a minute about the difference good posture can make, specifically in photos. Posture is the biggest visual difference you can adjust in a portrait. It's more effective then losing five pounds... REALLY! Here are some quick tips that are far more appealing then dieting.
I was inspired by Emily Boyd's article on the incredible benefits of better posture. She says... "I challenged myself to spend a week focused on improving my posture. At my desk during work, strolling around town, even sitting down to a dinner of leftovers with my roommates, I made a note of my body’s alignment through it all.
The first thing I noticed? My posture was so much worse than I thought. But I also learned a few tricks that made the road to recovery fairly simple. I discovered that improving my posture helped me improve my overall well-being – in more ways than one!
My first tip: Dress up. Switch up your weekly wardrobe and add in a structured top or tailored dress. A more fitted ensemble made me much more conscious of how I held my body throughout the day. I was much more inspired to improve my posture in a structured sundress than my go-to striped tee and boyfriend jeans!
Wear a heel. Even a low one. That extra bit of height naturally works to bring out a more aligned posture.
Do a quick posture check. Draw your shoulder blades back, as close together as you can, and then elongate your spine. (Hint: Focus on pulling your shoulders down and back, while keeping your head drawn up.) This is a quick and simple fix to adjust your posture throughout the day, and realign your muscles.
After a week spent listening to my muscles and improving my powerfully mediocre posture, I began to notice a couple other positive changes.
Good posture projects confidence. Standing up taller gives a powerful impression by making your body look taller, slimmer, and more assured. The result is the perfect boost of confidence you might need to take on the day!
Next benefit? A strengthened core... Physical training research does teach that sitting up straight works to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. (A day of good posture is proven to burn up to 350 extra calories!)
Plus… An instant energy boost. One study from San Francisco State found that good posture can have a dramatic impact on your attitude.
Researchers found that when you slouch, your body takes in as much as 30% less oxygen than you’d take in with good posture. By aligning your muscles correctly, you open up certain pathways that increase happiness and energy.
It’s amazing what such a simple adjustment can do to improve one’s well-being. And though the child in me often tried to stubbornly fight against my mother’s advice, I was blown away by the effect my posture made in just one week."
Finish reading Emily Boyd's article about the benefits of good posture.
image sources: taken from our dear CIL clients as well as, Zanita studio's image of a girl crossing a busy street, high heels image from with love from kat, audrey hepburn photo from rareaudreyhepburn